Personajes mitológicos


The Gentiles, Basques before Christianity, are strong giants. They live in the mountains and throw big stones at their enemies. They built, among others, menhur (gentile stones) and cromlech (orchard of gentiles), as well as churches, bridges and houses of the Basque Country. They are also called mairuak. They knew about agriculture before anyone else and have taught many things to man. This type of beings enjoy great prestige in Indo-European mythology.


The nymphs are beautiful woman-like creatures and they are usually found in rivers. They have a duck or goat feet, comb their hair with a golden comb and enthrall human beings. They also appear in Greek and Roman mythology.


Tartalo is an evil being with one eye. He lives in caves and catches and devours young people. Its origin is the cyclops of Greek mythology.


His own name defines who he was: The lord of the forest. He is tall and strong and his hair reaches his knees. In addition to caring for the flock, he cries out to the shepherd when a storm is approaching. He protects the cattle against the wolves and when he is near the sheep move their bells.


At night, the night witches hold meetings called aquelarre. They often take the form of a cat, donkey or beast and usually lack some part of the body (hand, leg or head). Between the fifteenth and seventeenth centuries many trials against witches were held in the Basque Country and in them popular beliefs, religion, neighborhood disputes and politics were mixed.


Mari is the queen of goddesses. This figure is usually depicted with a woman’s body and face, elegantly dressed (usually in red). It also appears as a tree, eagle, cow, or woman of fire. Sugaar is her partner. She lives in the caves of many mountains (Larrunarri, Murumendi…)


Zezengorri is a being who lives in caves. It takes the shape of a cow or a bull and protects the dwellings of Mari. There are people who believe it is Mari itself. It should be noted that the bull has been very important in all the culture of southern Europe.


Sugaar is the husband of the goddess Mari. It is snake shaped and is closely linked to storms and thunder. Among other things, he punishes children who do not obey their parents.


Gaueko is the lord of the night and does not allow humans to work at night.Gaueko catches and takes the young people who usually perform feats and bets at night.


En varios pueblos de Gipuzkoa y Navarra se denomina Zozomikoteak a los dos últimos días y medio de marzo y a los dos primeros días y medio de abril. Se trata de la época en la que los tordos comienzan a construir su nido.

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