The carriageway

The road that goes through Ataun today is late, specifically from the 19th century and its importance is not a fraction of what the old road’s was. In fact, before the present road network was created, as it was a stopping off place between two territories, Ataun has always recognised that it is a “gateway”.
The old road, which united Gipuzkoa and Navarre lead through the Berrenoa mountain pass on the route which went from Atxurrenea through Ergoiena, San Gregorio, Arrondo, Astigarraga to San Martín and in Igartza it joined the old Gipuzkoa road network. It was a road for carriages and carts, as donkeys and horses were used for transport. There are still some remains of this road, and in Berrenoa, remains can be seen of the stone carriageway built in the Middle Ages.